Viewing a Trace

You can view trace data that has been saved to a file or from a currently active trace buffer.

To view a trace
  1. In the MCS left pane under MCS Functions, click Tracing.

  2. Under Tracing, click View Traces.

    The View Traces (Select File) page displays lists of both saved trace files and currently active traces.

  3. Do one of the following:
    To view trace data
    Do this
    That has been saved to file Select a file name in the Save Traces list, and then click OK.
    From an active trace Select a configured trace from the Currently Active Traces list, and then click OK.
  4. From the Correlation IDs list, select one or more entries to view, and then click Display Selected IDs.

    You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key as you select each item.

  5. Select an item in the list to view additional details about that item.

    Details about the selected Correlation ID appear in the Trace Message and/or Trace Raw Data fields, below the event list.

  6. To display the trace raw data in a more readable format, select Display Renderers.

    The rendered data replaces the raw data (byte stream) displayed in the Trace Raw Data field.
