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Properties Dialog Box (Patch Distributions)

Name: Displays the name of the selected distribution.

Note To rename a distribution, you must select the it from the Distributions page, then click Rename at the bottom of the MCS management panel.

Description: Type a description for the patch. The description cannot contain the characters < or >.

Patch Filename (.msp): From the list, select the Windows Installer patch file.

Version: Type the (product) version of the patch. This value can contain up to two sets of numeric characters, separated by a single decimal (for example, 2002.43). It cannot contain alphabetic characters.

Product: From the list, select the name of the product to be distributed.

Push Patch Out To Users' Computers: When selected, the patch is applied when the client application closes.

Optional (User Can Refuse Patch): When selected, users can delay or refuse application of the patch. This option is unavailable (dimmed) if Push Patch Out to Users' Computers is not selected.

Make Patch Available Only Via Products & Updates Page: When selected, the patch is available only from the Products & Updates page, and users must retrieve the assigned distribution from the MCS server.

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